Preparations With Essential Oils To Fight Acne

When using essential oils to fight acne, we should keep in mind that some may be too strong for our skin type, so we should dilute them with a base oil.
Preparations with essential oils to fight acne

Acne is usually present during adolescence, however, it can also appear in adulthood. Despite using products designed to combat this problem, many do not work and irritate the skin. Therefore, today we are going to recommend preparations of essential oils to fight acne.

Natural remedies are always better for dealing with these kinds of situations. Thus, in the future, we will not suffer certain problems that can be caused by the abuse of some products that can have side effects for our skin.

Although they don’t show up now, we can go from mixed skin to dry and sensitive skin. We can become very sensitive to skin allergies and any product can harm us. Therefore, it is always better to resort, in this case, to the preparation of essential oils to fight acne. Find out here with us.

Essential Oils to Fight Acne

How to Treat Acne with Essential Oils

One of the essential oils for fighting acne par excellence is tea tree oil. This can be used on pimples that we want to dry out or shrink in size. However, let’s focus on a study that developed a preparation of essential oils to fight acne.

Essential oils of orange, basil and acetic acid

Dr. Matiz (and co-authors) in his article: Design and in vivo evaluation of acne formulations based on essential acceptances of orange (Citrus sinensis), albaaca (Ocimum basilicum L) and acetic acid designed a formula to see how effective it was . The results were classified as good and excellent.

According to the article, the orange essential oil was chosen for its antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. To this was added the essential oil of basil, known for its stimulating, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic capacity.

However, the “star” of the preparation was the use of acetic acid that can be found in vinegar. Its great bactericidal properties were the cause of a remarkable improvement in all study participants. The reason, as the article indicates, is in “its mixed antiseptic and keratolytic activity”.

Form of elaboration

To make this preparation of essential oils to fight acne, a concentration of 3% of orange oil and 5% of basil oil was used. In addition, 12% acetic acid was used. Our recommendation for this preparation is as follows:

  • Use 3 tablespoons of base cream (45 ml).
  • Add 7 drops of each oil.
  • Integrate everything.

Let’s leave acetic acid to use it as a tonic before applying our cream. To do this, we’re going to dip a cotton ball in the vinegar and run it over the face, except for the eyes. Let’s leave it to dry and then apply the preparation indicated.

Essential oils to fight acne marks

Acne in adults

As we’ve already said, this preparation of essential oils to fight acne can be enhanced with the use of tea tree to dry pimples or blackheads. However, what about the marks that can be left by acne ? For this, there is nothing better than rosehip oil.

It is important that we purchase essential oils as pure as possible. Of course, we must keep in mind that it is not very positive to apply them directly to the skin, except in the case of applying them to specific areas, for example, on a pimple.

  • If we have a large area of ​​our face full of acne marks, the ideal is to make a cream with rosehip oil to apply it and see how the marks are gradually reduced.
  • Although we can add a few drops of this oil to any face cream, it’s best to use a base cream. The reason is that it is a “pure” cream suitable for receiving any other product and thus all its properties can be used.

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