Relieve Stomach Pain With Home Remedies

We can benefit more from the qualities of chamomile and mint if we combine them in the same infusion. In this way we will benefit from its anti-inflammatory, sedative and digestive properties.

There are several causes for an upset stomach:

  • Indigestion;
  • Possible food poisoning;
  • Constipation;
  • A passing illness.

No matter what the reason, the reality is that it  can affect anyone at any time. Besides, it’s a very unpleasant experience. 

Therefore, to quickly alleviate this discomfort you can use very effective home remedies.

the ginger

Ginger is very beneficial as it has anti-inflammatory properties, making it very useful for treating stomach pain. As well as improving digestion and reducing stomach acidity.

So, to prepare it, peel a slice of ginger, grate it and prepare some tea.

Another way to consume ginger is to  mix two tablespoons of lemon juice with one of ginger and half a tablespoon of sugar.  Mix very well and drink the juice twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

the chamomile

Chamomile Tea for Stomach Pain

This wonderful plant is an excellent calmer for the nerves, as well as having anti-inflammatory and sedative properties that help to relax the digestive tract and eliminate spasms.

You can prepare a delicious tea with the flowers and a few drops of lemon juice. Drink hot tea to get rid  of your stomach ache.

the mint

Mint is excellent for improving and increasing the flow of bile,  which helps to improve digestion. You can make a tea with mint leaves and a spoonful of lemon juice.

aloe vera crystals

Aloe Vera Gel for Stomach Pain

Aloe vera has several benefits for our body. Not only can it serve both for stomach pains, but also for diarrhea and constipation.

You can make a juice with some aloe vera crystals and a little lemon juice. This drink can be very effective in relieving stomach pain.

Put hot water compresses

Hot water compresses help to relax the muscles and stomach contractions that can cause stomach pain. To perform this treatment, just heat water and wet a towel, drain it very well and place it on the abdomen until it cools, then repeat the operation.

Another way to apply heat over this area is to put rice in a bag and heat  it in the microwave,  don’t let it get too hot as it can burn your abdomen. Once you’re done, place it under your belly and you’ll soon feel the calming effect.

Recipe to calm stomach pain

Using some of the above ingredients you can prepare a mixture that will undoubtedly be very effective for this problem:

  • dry ginger
  • black pepper
  • roasted cumin seeds
  • Garlic
  • Dried mint leaves
  • salt

Mix everything in equal parts and grind. Then  mix a spoon in a glass of hot water and drink it after meals.

If after trying some of these remedies you  do not feel any improvement, as well as experience fever and increased pain, see a doctor immediately.  It could be appendicitis, something very serious that requires immediate attention.

Image courtesy of DiarioEnRed

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