Remedy With Parsley And Lemon Against Fluid Retention

Thanks to the diuretic power of this natural remedy, we will be able to avoid swelling and fluid retention, as well as purifying all waste and toxins from our body.
Medicine with parsley and lemon against water retention

In a remedy with parsley and lemon you can find support in cases of fluid retention. Fluid retention is a very common metabolic disorder in women.

If our ankles are constantly swollen, as are our legs and abdomen, we need to see a doctor. Sometimes  the cause is more than inadequate nutrition or certain hormonal changes.

Experts warn us of something important. The accumulation of fluids can hide any kidney, liver or circulatory problems.

It does not mean that they are serious, but that our body is not properly eliminating toxins or other liquids.

We are, therefore, facing a problem whose origin must be discovered. However, this all-too-common alteration can be reversible. If we improve our lifestyle habits, we will improve well-being.

In addition, in our space we propose something amazing for you. Take this remedy with parsley and lemon daily and you will see how, little by little, you will feel much better.

Fluid retention, a very common problem

Some people are more likely than others to develop uncomfortable fluid retention. It is common for them to be characterized by the following habits or physiological peculiarities:

  • have circulation problems
  • Having reached menopause can bring us several episodes of fluid retention.
  • Being overweight.
  • Have some heart disease.
  • Undergoing several hormonal changes due to some medication.
  • Suffer from hypothyroidism
  • spend a lot of time standing

It is possible that you identify yourself with the conditions specified above. If so, the first thing to do, as highlighted above, is to seek medical advice.

Secondly, it is necessary to follow some type of treatment, if our specialist so decides. Last but not least, it is critical that we improve our diet.

swelling-liquid retention

Spending too much time on your feet prevents proper body drainage, favoring fluid retention.

Patients with heart, kidney or vascular disease need, above all, to restrict their salt intake. Still, it is important that we take into account another data:

  • The appearance of hydropresia becomes more frequent as we age. Our veins lose elasticity. In turn, both the kidneys and the liver no longer remove water and toxins from the body as effectively.
  • If, in addition, we have a lifestyle in which, due to work, we are always on our feet, the problem is aggravated.
  • We must not forget that certain behaviors tend to make it difficult to properly drain the body.

Medicine with parsley and lemon to treat fluid retention

This simple morning remedy will help you end the day with better health and well-being. It is easy to prepare and will guarantee, above all, a better renal balance.

Benefits of Parsley and Lemon Remedy Ingredients

  • Parsley is a plant with highly depurative properties. Thanks to its multiple antioxidants and vitamin C, it promotes good liver and heart health.
  • Also, let’s not forget that it takes care of the elasticity of our veins and arteries.
  • It favors correct blood circulation and its essential oils optimize the elimination of accumulated liquids in our body.
  • In turn, lemon is a gift from nature that can do so much for our health.
  • An organically produced, pesticide-free lemon is a treasure trove of benefits.
  • Lemon is one of the richest fruits in vitamin C, citrates, malates and potassium.
  • These elements, and especially the vitamin C in lemon, will help us take care of the maintenance and generation of various tissues and cells in the body.

In case you suffer from edema and hydrops, do not hesitate. Take between two and three glasses of this lemon parsley remedy daily . We will detoxify the body and benefit from a great diuretic.


  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 lemon juice

How to prepare

  • First, wash the parsley leaves well. Then prepare an infusion with this medicinal plant.
  • To do this, bring to a boil a cup of water (250ml) and add the sprigs of parsley to the pan to obtain its essence.
  • Once ready, we let it rest.
  • Then squeeze the lemon juice. Also be sure to use the bark, cutting it into smaller pieces.
  • In a large jar, place the remaining three cups of water, lemon peel, lemon juice and parsley infusion.
  • Let stand for half an hour and then place  in a glass bottle.

Drink the first glass on an empty stomach. The next ones, half an hour before our meals.

You can have this treatment seven days in a row once a month, or every ten days. The results are excellent.

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