Signs That The Relationship With Your Partner Is Not Working

Our partner is not just that person to share a bed or table during meals, it is a person with whom we want to build a life and a family.
Signs That Your Relationship With Your Partner Doesn't Work

When a relationship is not going well, we are all able to intuit it. However, we often don’t want to accept it. It’s hard for us to admit that things aren’t going the right way and that we only get unhappiness. Want to know if your relationship doesn’t work? Keep reading.

Problems in a relationship

1. Lack of communication

Lack of communication is one of the most common problems in a relationship.

It is perhaps one of the most important problems. We need our partner’s support, understanding and delivery. However, our words are not listened to, we do not look eye to eye and we are unable to establish an open and constructive dialogue.

If we do, we always end up in arguments and fights. These situations are the ones that most often distance couples, as there is no longer any complicity. Emotions have cooled or turned into resentment, which prevents a sincere dialogue.

Another point to be considered is that, on occasions, lack of communication is also caused by periods of high stress. Work, for example, may mean that we have little time to dedicate to our partner, so the dialogue becomes more complex.

2. Lack of enthusiasm

There may come a time when we no longer feel the same enthusiasm as before when it comes to doing things together: going out to dinner, traveling on the weekend…

It is possible that one notices a certain monotony at home or that there is no longer that look with the same intensity as before.

Sometimes the magic gets lost and you don’t quite know why. We must be aware, for example, how our partner reacts when we propose things, whether for the future, or something for both.

If your reaction is cold and doesn’t seem to show much interest in these goals we’ve talked about, we should ask ourselves what’s going on. Perhaps something has changed, and the loss of enthusiasm is a very important indication of that change.

3. More sadness than joy

More sadness than joy is one of the indicators of a relationship that is not going well

There are many occasions when we feel bad. Love sometimes has its complications, and relationships require effort and sacrifice. But be careful. If there comes a point where there are only reasons to feel sad, over time, our mental health can be weakened.

There are couples who love each other very much but who are unable to make each other happy. Both people must strive to make the relationship work. If only you make the effort, you will certainly feel bad.

4. When distrust arises

Another double-edged sword that upsets the balance in the relationship is distrust. If there comes a time when you feel like you can’t trust your partner with your emotions, there’s something that’s not right.

Our partner isn’t just a person we share a bed or table with to eat, it’s a person we build a life and a family with. If we lose your trust, we lose everything.

5. When we are no longer the priority

Sharing one’s life with someone requires that both be a priority in the other’s life. May your concerns be the same, and your well-being is important. If we get to the point where we notice that the priority in our partner’s life is no longer the relationship, then we will experience pain and disappointment.

In relationships, work, personal space and self-interest are also important. However, the person we love is always our priority and what we should be most concerned about.

If there comes a time when we put other people or our work ahead of the relationship, problems are bound to arise.

Remember that every time you spot a sign that the relationship isn’t working, you should talk to your partner.

Sometimes these problems arise from external factors that we need to know how to solve and face. Problems at work, economics or people can undermine our stability, but with trust, love and communication they can overcome them.

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