Strengthen Your Immune System In A Natural Way With Oyster Mushroom

Learn more about the oyster mushroom, this wonder that can help strengthen the immune system

There’s a natural, wonderful, and effective way to boost your immune system that maybe many don’t know about and will surely like to discover: the oyster mushroom.

We are facing one of the healthiest and most nutritious fungi that nature has given us: they are tasty, rich in vitamins and minerals, and also contain active substances with great antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Something that is curious about the oyster mushroom is that it has been used since ancient times by oriental culture as a natural antibiotic, as a food with medicinal properties with which to prepare incredible dishes and delicious recipes.

Until World War I the world had not yet discovered its wonderful properties, which could help treat infections while serving as a nutritious food in times of scarcity, want and disease.

Currently our needs are not so extreme, but we are still vulnerable: factors such as stress, anxiety or our constant rush, weaken our defenses day by day, almost without us realizing it.

Be excited to consume them, because they are a natural alternative to the classic vitamins in the pharmacy : they are tasty and so powerful as to their benefits that you will be surprised!

Today we will talk about these characteristics, check it out.

The immune system and your lifestyle

The immune system is closely related to our lifestyle and therefore to the following aspects:

  • The diet;
  • The exercise;
  • Our ability to manage stress;
  • Our hours of sleep.

A good quality in all these aspects reverts in our immune defenses and, mainly, in our response capacity to face diseases, infections, pathogens, allergies…

Something that everyone knows is that we do not always take care of our diet properly, that sometimes stress overcomes us and that our lives are more sedentary than we would recommend.

Little by little, fatigue appears or even a greater risk of suffering from diabetes, arthritis or any other autoimmune disease.

Let’s not forget that the immune system is made up of our skin, bone marrow, blood, lymphatic system, spleen…  Taking care of these structures, organs and tissues is taking care of our health.

How can oyster mushrooms help us?

The oyster mushroom is currently one of the most appreciated fungi in Europe. In the coldest months of the year it is found on the living and dead trunks of leaf trees.

It can also be grown at home and we can buy it from specialty stores. It doesn’t matter how you get it, because you won’t regret consuming it after noticing its wonderful effects.

The healthiest mushroom for your body

Among the most valuable substances contained in the oyster mushroom are the polysaccharides of the glucan group.

  • Thanks to these elements we can stimulate the activity of macrophages, a type of white blood cell that is responsible for recognizing and attacking viruses, bacteria and multiple pathogens.
  • The beta glucan present in oyster mushrooms helps us to defend ourselves from infections and to strengthen our immunity in winter times.

Lower your bad or LDL cholesterol with oyster mushrooms

You’ll like this fact: the oyster mushroom contains lovastatin, a type of statin capable of lowering LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol).

Thanks to lovastatin, we prevent the development of atherosclerosis and multiple cardiovascular diseases.

Rich in vitamins and minerals

The oyster mushroom is fabulous for the whole family, also for times when we face moments of anxiety or even when we are recovering from an illness. It’s very nutritious.

  • Contains vitamins B, D, C and K, unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3, 6, 7.9) and bioflavonoids.
  • In addition, they are rich in iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, iodine…
  • You will also be pleased to know that the mushroom contains the fiber of the fungus, and that thanks to this probiotic bacteria proliferate much more to take care of our digestion and our intestinal health.

We must also not forget that probiotics are essential to strengthen the immune system, but in the case of oyster mushrooms, the benefit is greater because  their live bacteria create a double effect: prebiotic-probiotic, something essential to increase their antibacterial effect.

What is the best way to consume the oyster mushroom?

Oyster mushrooms can be found in the supermarket in many ways: processed, preserved, combined in pre-cooked dishes…

Make no mistake:  the best way to consume oyster mushrooms is in their entire form. Only in this way will we obtain all of its active substances mentioned to benefit from a synergistic, long-lasting and exceptional effect.

To conclude, there are many ways to take care of our immune system, but an essential one is through food, and the oyster mushroom can help us.

Be sure to include them in your dishes: you’ll like it!

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