The 6 Most Popular Myths About Body Fat

To be able to tone the body when we lose weight, the most convenient is to combine cardiovascular routines with strength exercises, being aware that we cannot lose weight in separate areas.

Every day, there are many people who try to fight the body fat that created an overweight or obesity problem. Today we’ll talk about 6 popular myths about body fat.

Those who have their weight under control do a constant job not to gain more, because when it accumulates in the body, it is difficult to get rid of the fat afterwards.

The inconvenience for most people is that, apart from their efforts, it seems that nothing serves to prevent fat from being deposited in various areas of the body.

Sometimes this is due to genetic factors or health problems such as the thyroid; however, when this is not the case, it is likely that the problem is due to some false popular beliefs that have spread throughout the world.

For all those who have doubts about body fat, today we are going to share these 6 popular myths that exist regarding the subject. Discover them!

1. About body fat: when you stop exercising, muscle becomes fat


Due to loss of muscle tone, it seems that way. When you stop exercising, those muscles that were firm and toned begin to soften.

However, there is not a single possibility that muscle can be converted to fat, just as fat cannot be converted to muscle.

When training on machines or with weights, muscle groups are strengthened, so when you stop working them, their fibers shrink and lose that tone.

2. About body fat: low-intensity exercise helps burn fat

Not! While this type of activity can have certain benefits for people who have some type of joint injury or problem, the truth is, it doesn’t do much when it comes to burning calories.

If what you want is to lose weight, the main thing is to increase your daily caloric expenditure and reduce excess caloric intake.

The key to successful exercise is to focus primarily on those that help build muscle, as they activate your metabolism and improve your ability to burn that accumulated fat in your tissues.

3. About body fat: it is possible to choose a specific part of the body to burn fat


This aspect will have to be taken into account. It is one thing to eliminate fat and quite another to tone a specific area of ​​the body.

Some believe that localized exercise can help to reduce the weight of a certain area of ​​the body. The problem is that if you make a lot of effort, it won’t work in the end.

What happens is that these exercises are intended to reaffirm and shape certain areas that are difficult to work with, but for them to have the first effect, it is necessary to combat excess weight through the practice of other activities.

The loss of body weight happens evenly, that is, when burning fat from the waist, it is likely that there is also a significant decrease in the hips or other area.

For this same reason, it is always advisable to combine cardiovascular exercises with strength training.

4. About body fat: it is best to eliminate body fat as much as possible

Most people are aware of the danger they are in when excess fat builds up in their bodies.

However, it is important to know that, in a certain amount, the body also needs fat to perform its functions correctly.

For example, it is essential for the secretion of some hormones, the storage of certain vitamins, and the regulation of body temperature.

Healthy levels are approximately 15% for men and 22% for women. Having less or more involves several health problems.

5. About body fat: the more you sweat, the more fat you burn


No way! The amount of sweating has nothing to do with the number of calories you lose during exercise.

Fat is stored in the body to provide energy when it is needed, which is why it cannot be eliminated by sweating, much less melting.

Sweating is a biological response to regulate body temperature and, through it, water is eliminated, in small amounts of chemical substances such as ammonia, urea, salt and sugar.

Hence the importance of replacing fluids after doing intense physical activity.

6. About body fat: localized massages can reduce fat

Fat acts as fuel for the body and has to be used to be able to use it up. Localized massages or the use of bandages do not favor its consumption.

In this sense, what many slimming products do is to momentarily dehydrate the area where they were applied to obtain a reduction of a few centimeters.

Unfortunately, it can be recovered in a matter of hours or days.

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