The Benefits Of Bananas For Athletes

The potassium present in bananas has a hypotensive effect on the body. It also helps to maintain electrolyte balance. Next, learn more about its benefits for athletes.
The Benefits of Bananas for Athletes

Banana is one of the most popular fruits among athletes. Due to its nutrient content, it is very beneficial for those who maintain an exercise routine or play sports. It is a source of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Want to know what are the main benefits of bananas for athletes?

First of all, this is a very versatile food, as it can be eaten naturally, added to vitamins or included in breakfast. Furthermore, due to its composition, it is ideal for improving the quality of the diet. We will talk more about this topic below.

Banana for Athletes: A Source of Carbohydrates

Bananas contain sugars in their composition, and because of that, they can be a source of energy for athletes. Depending on their level of maturation, these sugars have a higher or lower glycemic index. Therefore, it can be taken a little ripe before a workout, or more ripe during it.

The carbohydrates that this fruit contains allow you to replenish glycogen stores once the sporting event has started, as explained in an article published in Nutrients magazine .

Recharging muscle glycogen during exercise, among other things, delays the onset of fatigue. In addition, it could help lower the risk of muscle damage .

Banana smoothie
Banana is a versatile food that can be consumed alone or included in vitamins. It helps to replenish glycogen stores.

Contains Potassium

Athletes are used to consuming a high sodium diet. The reason this happens is that hyponatremia is fatal, and you need to replenish your salt levels after training. However, a diet rich in this mineral can negatively affect blood pressure, raising blood pressure levels.

To moderate this effect, it is necessary to increase potassium intake, as stated in another study published in the journal Nutrients . Banana is a fruit that is characterized by a high content of this mineral.

In addition to balancing blood pressure, the potassium present in bananas helps to prevent an electrolyte imbalance during exercise. As if all this were not enough, it helps to reduce the risk of muscle cramps.

Eating bananas before and during exercise

To get the benefits of bananas for athletes, it is advisable to eat them before and during exercise. The reason for this? Before starting training, it is advisable to replenish your glycogen stores and keep your glucose levels stable. As we mentioned, the banana serves both tasks.

Once you start training, especially if it’s long, it’s necessary to provide the body with a periodic supply of carbohydrates. In this way, muscle and liver glycogen are preserved and the onset of fatigue is delayed. In this type of situation, the banana is also a faithful ally.

Before exercise, it is convenient that the fruit is not too ripe; however, in the middle of training, the maturation level should be higher. Excessive fiber intake at this time can delay gastric emptying and cause stomach discomfort, which is harmful.

woman stretching her arm
If the athlete wants to consume a banana before starting their training, it is better that it is not too ripe.

Banana is ideal for athletes’ diet

This is the favorite fruit of many people due to its sweet taste and texture. In addition, bananas have important benefits for athletes. It is common to see elite athletes consume this fruit before, during and after competitions.

The carbohydrates present in bananas allow blood glucose levels to remain stable. On the other hand, these nutrients help to preserve muscle and liver glycogen. Eating this fruit during exercise can increase performance.

Likewise, bananas contain a significant amount of potassium in their composition, ensuring the body’s electrolyte balance. In addition, it allows you to regulate your blood pressure so that it does not increase as a result of a high sodium intake.

Finally, it should be noted that bananas are a fruit that can be consumed in many different ways. When consumed fresh, it has good organoleptic qualities. It is also possible to include it in vitamins or, why not, on top of a slice of bread with peanut butter. There are even many recipes for healthy biscuits and cakes with this fruit as the main ingredient.

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