The Best Natural Products For Cleaning The House

To regain the whiteness of your clothes, try adding half a cup of lemon juice to the rinse cycle.
The best natural products to clean the house

How much money do we usually spend on cleaning our house? Mainly with products made from chemical elements that are not always effective as we thought.

Sometimes, it’s worth remembering and applying these simple products that our grandmothers always talked about, natural elements that don’t harm our hands and that are simple to find in the supermarket. 

Natural products, ecological products for the home

We all like products that smell good, that don’t harm our hands and, in addition, keep us away from germs and microbes.

The tricky thing is that most of these products, in addition to having chemical elements, are very harmful to the environment, many are even toxic, and most gradually hurt our hands.

So, how about looking for natural products that, in addition to being effective, do not cause any harm to us or the environment?

Uses of apple cider vinegar

the House
  • Cleaning the cabinet. Just with a cloth dampened with vinegar, we will remove the stains and grease from our glasses and glasses. Then just rinse with warm water.
  • Excellent for removing microwave dirt. Put it in a small cup and let it heat up for 4 minutes inside the appliance. Heat softens the dirt.
  • Apple cider vinegar is an excellent product to give shine to metallic kitchen accessories.
  • How about we get rid of the shower calcification? A good resource is to sprinkle with vinegar and let it act for 30 minutes. Afterwards, use a brush, hot water and a cloth and it will be brand new.
  • Apple cider vinegar is also suitable for removing makeup stains from your clothes. We use a cloth dampened with water and vinegar and gradually remove the stains.

Sodium bicarbonate

the House
  • Clean pipes. We know that most of the products we use are toxic. A good option is undoubtedly baking soda.
    • It’s very easy, just pour baking soda down the drain and then pour a little cup of vinegar. Leave to act for 15 minutes and then clean with hot water.
  • Fabric softener. Surprise? That’s right, current fabric softeners work basically by creating a layer of fat on the fiber of the clothes to balance the action of the washing powder.
    • With baking soda, we will directly prevent the soap from coming into contact with the clothes, thus it will act as a softener, leaving the clothes perfect.
  • Absorbs odors. Great for neutralizing the odor of pets shoes and blankets.
    • If you want, for example, to clean a pillow, just put baking soda on it and leave it on overnight. The next day, just vacuum and it will be clean and odorless.
    • Baking soda is one of the best natural products for cleaning the home.

the power of lemon

the House
  • Lemon is an ideal resource for many areas of our home. Provides a good odor, has a degreasing, whitening, etc. effect.
    • Even more, lemon juice has antibacterial and antiseptic qualities. That’s why many products we use habitually include lemon in their composition.
    • Lemon is one of the best known natural products on the market and by those who are well versed in the subject.
  • It is very suitable, for example, for white clothes to regain their shine. What can we do?
    • When washing, enter the rinse cycle in the washing machine, pour half a cup of lemon juice. You will see the amazing result.
  • When washing dishes by hand or in the machine, add a few drops of lemon, this will eliminate all the grease.
  • Put half a lemon in the fridge and see how bad odors are eliminated.
  • It is also perfect for removing any stains in the kitchen (on wood, cloths, glass, etc).
    • Just add a few drops of lemon and a little water. You will get an excellent cleanser.

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