The Greatest Distance Between Two People Is A Misunderstanding

To avoid misunderstanding, we must distance ourselves from the situation, as far as possible, and perceive it as if it were alien to us in order to make an interpretation as objective as possible.

We often let a misunderstanding get in the way of genuine and sincere feelings  about people who have been with us at some point in our lives.

The world is full of individuals who hope that those who let them go will come back, as well as people who dare not go back even if they want to.

A misunderstanding is generated from the conflict regarding intentions, the way to communicate and the way to understand reality.

So, as we have heard on some occasion:

The huge chasm created by pride and a misunderstanding

In the genesis of a misunderstanding, factors such as pride, fatigue and lack of confidence usually mediate.

This makes it so that, when interpreting an inappropriate tone of voice or ambiguous words, our senses perceive hostility.

To avoid it, it is necessary not to let ourselves be carried away and to value our state and that of others before criticizing.

Conflicts usually occur in a lighter way when we have a cool head,  because this way we avoid that pride cloud our reason and emotions, such as anger or anger, cloud our reaction to the fact that generates that discomfort.

Couple arguing over a misunderstanding

The difference between pride and dignity

It is important to differentiate pride from dignity. Pride is itself negative and selfish, while dignity is the foundation of respect.

Pride overemphasizes the consideration of one’s opinions, beliefs, or feelings. However,  dignity seeks a balance that establishes certain emotional limits that protect the ā€œIā€.

Dignity seeks to find a balance and equality between opinions, feelings and behavior, pride seeks to always be on top.

Woman turning her back on misunderstandings

The success of understanding

It is not easy to understand when  our communicative motivations respond to different realities.

We may repeat what we think or feel, but it may happen that the other person does not understand what we are trying to convey.

This doesn’t mean that the recipient in question is bad, but it can have a very different perspective.

Each part seeks to reaffirm their feelings, opinions and beliefs and this is an obstacle when it comes to promoting an understanding.

We cannot control 100% of the variables that influence good communication. It will always be good for us to contemplate from an emotional distance what may be controlling the actual exchange situation.

We must base our attitudes on respect and consideration for ourselves and others.

Woman protecting herself from misunderstandings

be responsible for what we say

The possibility and force of anger and misunderstanding is proportional to the degree of emotional implication that the subject and the relationship in question assume for us.

The more united we feel, the more important the preparation and interpretation of our message will be. So too will our conclusion about the other’s message.

Each person will have to manage and interpret the words in relation to the affective ties that unite them, as well as expectations, self-interests and their personal state.

At this point, it is essential to emphasize the importance of not falling into the discomfort generated by the attributions and storms of others.

That is, we have to prevent them from driving us into an emotional tornado and drowning us in the maelstrom of the automatic demonstrator.

Alone woman avoiding misunderstandings

It is best to take emotional distance, step back, tolerate differences and not let them transform our needs.

We must examine the divergence between deeds and words.  However, there is always the possibility of making a mistake when analyzing the attitudes of others.

The only certainty about the intention of others is the time they offer us.

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