The Importance Of Vitamins In Infant Nutrition

Making vitamins with fruits and vegetables is a good addition to child nutrition. Its flavors are very attractive and are ideal for a variety of foods.
The importance of vitamins in infant nutrition

The inclusion of vitamins in children’s diets has interesting nutrition-related benefits. Although they do not replace main meals, they are a great addition to make the little ones consume more fruits and vegetables.

Thanks to the combination of healthy ingredients, vitamins are recommended as allies to improve the immune system, related to the body’s defenses and, consequently, improve general health. In addition, they are a good snack option, as they reduce the feeling of hunger and craving for sweets.

The most interesting thing is that you can vary it every day, after all, there are dozens of recipes you can enjoy at any time. So, next, we’ll review why vitamins are so important in children’s diets and how to prepare them in simple steps. Don’t miss it!

Why include vitamins in baby food?

Homemade fruit smoothies.

Choosing vitamins to include in children’s diets is an easy way to provide their bodies with more minerals, fiber and other nutrients important for their development. As many of you know, sometimes children do not want to eat fruits and vegetables in their natural state.

However, when they are prepared in colorful and attractive recipes, such as these drinks, they end up being more easily accepted. In addition, other healthy ingredients ​​can be added, such as vegetable milks, nuts, seeds or dairy products.

Benefits of vitamins in infant nutrition

  • They combine fiber-rich ingredients that help prevent and fight childhood constipation.
  • They reduce the anxiety of eating sweets and replace unhealthy snacks.
  • They are a quick option for a more complete and balanced breakfast.
  • They strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of respiratory and urinary infections.
  • They maintain a good level of hydration.
  • They support the growth process and strengthen muscles and bones.
  • Increase the level of energy and productivity.
  • They help to promote physical and mental well-being.
  • Fight and prevent childhood overweight.

Preparation of the vitamins that will be included in children’s diets

beetroot vitamin

There are dozens of recipes for including vitamins in children’s diets; however, it is best to choose those that are moderate in calories. Although some include ice cream and cream, their high fat and calorie content doesn’t make them the healthiest options. Let’s see below some nutritious and delicious alternatives:

Orange, carrot and beet smoothie

Due to its high content of vitamin C and iron, this delicious recipe is an excellent option to prevent anemia in children. In addition, it contains important doses of fiber that improve intestinal transit and cardiovascular health.


  • The juice of 3 oranges
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 beet
  • ice to taste


  • First, extract the juice from the oranges and chop the carrots and beets.
  • Then put everything in a blender and blend for a few minutes.
  • Finally, add ice to taste and serve without straining.

The tastiest vitamin in children’s diet: banana and strawberry

The combination of banana and strawberry is a good option to add vitamins to children’s food. Both fruits have delicious flavors that often reduce cravings for sweets. They also lessen constipation and improve the immune system.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 5 strawberries
  • 3 tablespoons of oats (45 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • First, chop the banana and wash the strawberries.
  • Then pour everything into the blender, including the oats and water, and process.
  • Once you get a smooth drink, serve instantly.
  • Finally, if you wish, decorate with more strawberries to make it more attractive.

Yogurt, peach and papaya smoothie

Vitamins in peach-based infant foods

The ingredients contained in this delicious vitamin have properties that effectively fight constipation. In turn, they reduce the inflammation and stomach pains that often affect a child.


  • 1 cup of natural yoghurt (200 ml)
  • a ripe peach
  • a slice of papaya
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed (15 g)


  • First, add all ingredients in a blender and process for a few minutes.
  • Finally, after getting a creamy drink, serve immediately.

The queen of vitamins in children’s food: coconut water, pineapple and banana

Tropical flavors are always attractive to children. Therefore, we propose that you make a delicious smoothie with coconut water, pineapple and banana. This interesting blend of ingredients prevents urinary infections and combats dehydration.


  • 1 cup of coconut water (200 ml)
  • A slice of fresh pineapple
  • 1 ripe banana


  • First, pour all ingredients into a blender and blend for a few minutes.
  • Then serve and decorate with coconut and pineapple chips.

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