This Is What Happens If You Consume Too Much Vitamin D

Vitamin D intoxication usually has no symptoms and, luckily, it can be easily reversed. As it is not easy to detect, it is important to look for an expert if we are in doubt.
That's what happens if you consume too much vitamin D

Taking vitamins is essential to keeping us healthy,  energetic, active and full of life. However, not all of us are aware that even these supplements must be consumed in certain amounts. When starting to take vitamins it is necessary to check the amount we need and what is the daily limit we can consume. Too much vitamin D can be harmful.

In the case of vitamin D, it is obtained from the transformation of cholesterol influenced by sunlight. Some people get enough sunlight and eat in a way that allows them to keep up with their reserves. However, others need a vitamin supplement to compensate for the low intake of this nutrient. The mistake is to take it without a doctor’s prescription and in the dose we want.

Excess Vitamin D Poisoning

Excess Vitamin D Poisoning

Vitamin D doesn’t dissolve in water,  so it’s tricky for the body to get rid of it and therefore accumulate it. This nutrient works like a steroid hormone and circulates inside cells.

When there is an excess in the body, places where the vitamin can lodge, such as receptors and carrier proteins, fill up and cannot make the union.

Once the compound is free in the body, calcium absorption in the intestine begins to increase. This causes hypercalcemia. Other affected places are the soft organs like the lungs, kidneys and heart.

Some minor problems that can also occur,

The recommended daily intake of vitamin D should be less than 4000 IU. However,  the probability of becoming intoxicated by ingesting the component through food or sunlight is minimal.

To become intoxicated with this component, the patient must have a level above 150 ng/ml (350 nmol/l) present in the blood.

Fortunately, almost all cases of toxicity are reversible, and few actually cause calcification of the arteries or kidney failure.

Intoxication symptoms

Intoxication symptoms

Occasionally, too much vitamin D toxicity has no symptoms. However, in moderate cases some of the following problems arise :

Method to Eliminate Vitamin D Poisoning

Blood test
  • First, we must go to a doctor’s appointment where we will be given the necessary tests to detect the levels of the component in the blood.

Excess vitamin D should be avoided

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