This Is What Happens When You Apply Aspirin To Your Hair

Thanks to its chemical composition, aspirin can help us get rid of the fungus that causes dandruff. It also activates scalp circulation and stimulates cell oxygenation.
This is what happens when you apply aspirin to your hair.

We are so used to commercial hair care products that we ignore the existence of other alternatives to nourish and strengthen the strands. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about the benefits of aspirin on hair.

Advertising and the wide variety of cosmetics made us think that chemical treatments are the best option to keep hair in good condition and free from any kind of disorder.

However, long before the industry invaded the market with its proposals, women used ingredients within their reach to alleviate dryness, dandruff and all these problems that affect the hair.

Now, some are going back to using these old recipes and were able to prove that their effects are still as good as before.

Among them we find a homemade mask that takes advantage of aspirin’s properties to alleviate changes in the scalp and stimulate hair growth.

What are the benefits of aspirin on hair?


Aspirin is one of the most used analgesics and anticoagulants in the world. In fact, it’s very common for everyone to have it in their closet in the bathroom at home.

Doctors recommend it to combat pain and general malaise, but it also reduces fever and protects cardiovascular health.

Its active ingredient, salicylic acid, remarkably reduces the risk of heart attacks and blood clotting in those with circulatory problems.

However, in addition to all these benefits as medicines, aspirin is used for different cosmetic purposes that take advantage of the substances that compose it.

Topically,  it deeply cleans the hair and removes the fungus that causes dandruff and dryness.

It activates circulation in the scalp, while increasing cellular oxygenation to make hair grow without difficulty.

In addition, aspirin has an exfoliating action that helps to eliminate dead cells to improve nutrient absorption and strengthen follicles.

How to prepare an aspirin treatment for hair health?

Aspirin Treatment for Hair Health

To take advantage of the benefits of this hair care medicine, we can prepare a simple treatment for daily use.


  • 3 aspirins
  • 3 scoops of shampoo (30 g)

How to make?

  • Put the three aspirins in a pestle and crush them into a powder.
  • Add the three scoops of your usual shampoo and mix them with the aspirin until well integrated.
  • When you’re in the shower, moisten your hair and apply the product until it completely covers your hair.
  • Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse as usual.
  • If you like, you can apply your favorite conditioner right away.

How to prepare an aspirin hair lotion?

Aspirin treated hair

This aspirin lotion serves to enhance the natural tone of your hair and reduce the aggression it suffers.

It is also recommended for those women who have dyed their hair and want to regain its original color.


  • 8 aspirins
  • 1/2 liter of water

How to make?

  • Powder aspirin and mix with half a liter of hot water.
  • Put the liquid in a spray bottle and spread the lotion all over the hair.
  • Repeat its use every night.
  • Note that you must shake the product before using it, as aspirin powder tends to sink to the bottom of the bottle.

To take into account!

  • The effects of this aspirin treatment may vary from person to person, depending on their hair type and lifestyle.
  • For best results, we recommend including them in your beauty routine and using them constantly.
  • Added to this, it is important to increase the consumption of water and foods rich in biotin, vitamin E and proteins.
  • To avoid possible allergic reactions, it is important to try the product on one of the areas of the scalp before applying it in its entirety. If you feel it causes an itch or irritation, avoid using it.

Did you think you could take care of your hair with aspirin? Now that you know all the benefits it has to offer, don’t hesitate to use it following the recommendations given.

Although its effects don’t come on immediately, you may find that, in a matter of days, your hair will be cleaner, silkier and free from damage.


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