Want To Know Why You Run Out Of Voice?

If you lose your voice very often, it is essential that you see a doctor and that you learn to use your voice from a speech therapist

Are you one of those who are continually aphonic (voiceless) and don’t know why?  Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.

There are people who are more likely to suffer from this problem, even if it is not always due to physical weakness.

Whatever the reason, what is certain is that it is a complication that  can hinder our professional performance, as well as personal relationships. 

Therefore, it is important to know why it occurs and to think about solutions from this moment on.

Factors that affect being without a voice

The work

There are professionals where the voice is the main work tool.

Among those who most often have vocal problems, we find:

  • teachers
  • communicators
  • singers
  • Telemarketing Operators
  • waiters

If this is the case, we recommend using natural remedies that will help you to overcome excessive use of your voice.

It is even  good to look for a speech therapist who will teach techniques to use it in a healthier way.

Acoustic conditions

  • When we walked out onto the street, we were met by the noise of traffic.
  • If we enter a cafeteria or a restaurant, the same happens. Music at a high volume that forces us to raise the pitch  so that the other person can hear us right.

There comes a time when we notice our throat starting to hurt, when all we’ve done is have a quiet conversation with a friend.

Environmental conditions

Contamination can leave you speechless

Unfortunately,  the quality of the air we breathe in cities is getting worse every day. 

The most obvious example is found in large cities, whose passersby are forced to wear masks to walk abroad.

On the other hand,  centralized air conditioning can also cause major problems,  as it dries out the mucosa that protects the airways.

Reasons why we are speechless


Smoking can leave you speechless

You already know how cigarettes affect the lungs, but did you know that it also produces vocal cord cancer?

Don’t think we’re talking about a residual disease, on the contrary.

The good news is that it is not very aggressive, which is why, when detected early, it is normal for it to be cured.

Therefore, when you lose your voice, aphonia or dysphonia can become an opportunity to find you or to discard you.

It is good to see a doctor if the problem is recurrent.

Nodules and Polyps

Even though they are distinct,  in both cases they are lumps that appear on the vocal cords. 

The phenomenon is comparable to calluses on the feet, characterized by being caused by wearing inappropriate footwear for a long time.

Therefore, when we maintain bad habits for a long time  or work forces us to talk a lot, the voice system changes.

Polyps and nodules are an example of such incidences.

Regarding its treatment, the nodules can disappear with the acquisition of new practices when speaking or singing. If they don’t, a surgical intervention will be necessary.

On the other hand, polyps are usually eliminated directly in the operating room.

acute laryngitis

Voiceless woman with sore throat

This is the slightest problem. It is defined as a major  inflammation of the larynx, which disappears with medication or alone.

However, we know that there are people who suffer from this problem very often.

The ideal is to  seek alternative therapies that teach how to improve its functioning,  without the organ suffering.

If you’re speechless for this reason, it’s not very worrying, but you can do something to improve it.

Gastroesophageal reflux

It’s the classic burning in the stomach. As its unpleasant taste indicates, it contains acidic substances and these are abrasive.

Therefore, little by little they damage the organs they come into contact with.

The first thing to do to solve the problem is to consume lighter and more easily digestible foods. In this way, you will be able to improve the health of your throat and, at the same time, eliminate the discomfort that reflux brings with it.

Taking this into account, it is best to ask for a doctor’s opinion. Once the problem is indicated, he can take action to resolve it.

However, it is best to look for useful long-term alternatives, where a  few sessions with a phono won’t be bad. 

With them, you’ll be able to regain your voice  and forget about the hassle of not being able to communicate as you would like.

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