What Are The Possible Causes Of Breast Pain?

Try not to be nervous, as this condition is often the result of minor issues such as allergies or dehydration. However, if the itching or pain persists, see your doctor.

Breast pain can happen for several reasons and, although we should always visit a doctor first to rule out any serious problem, in this article we will explain the possible causes of these discomforts, as they can be simple hormonal, developmental or allergy issues.

We will also share some natural treatments using medicinal plants to simply relieve breast pain without causing any side effects.

Muscle pain can cause breast pain

In some cases, most often in young girls, even though it can also occur at any age, women can experience breast pain that actually originates in the musculature.

For example, due to muscle exercises in the pectoral region. In younger women, it can occur due to the stage of breast development and due to the natural growth of the breasts, causing discomfort.

It will be the doctor who should rule out any other health problem, and if any muscle pain caused by muscle exercise is confirmed, you can take a natural supplement based on magnesium.

Why the burning in the breasts?

Burning breasts can be caused by an allergic reaction to certain soaps, creams, and detergents that are present on clothing or that come in contact with the skin. For this, we must observe which products are used and alternate with others that are softer and more natural. We recommend, for example, preparing a natural soap for washing clothes and using alcohol-free deodorants.

If you still feel a burning sensation, use an aloe vera gel to relieve the sensation, whenever you’ve ruled out any more serious problems, of course.

breast pains

Dry skin

Our skin will be more vulnerable to problems like these if the skin is excessively dry. Therefore, we recommend daily hydration, especially in the breast region, with some type of vegetable oil, cream, moisturizer or shea butter. Always choose natural products so that it doesn’t cause allergies.

before menstruation

If you experience breast pain or burning before or during menstruation, this is undoubtedly due to hormonal issues. In this case, you can consult your trusted gynecologist so that he can give you a diagnosis according to the symptoms you experience. Some natural options are Peruvian maca and sage infusions.

During the pregnancy

One of the symptoms of pregnancy is breast tenderness. Therefore, any problem should be ruled out, as it is one of the main and first symptoms of pregnancy.

This is due to the fact that blood supply increases in this region, especially in the nipples. As the body gets used to this sensation, the discomfort usually subsides.

In any case, it is possible to alleviate the symptoms with concentrated infusions of marigold flowers,  which should be applied to the breasts when they are warm with the help of a compress.



If the burning and pain in the breasts are experienced  during the nursing period, it is possible that the person is suffering from mastitis, an inflammation of the breast tissue, which is also accompanied by fever and tiredness.

It is possible to treat mastitis by preparing a concentrated infusion of thyme, which is applied daily to the nipples with the help of a cotton swab. Let it dry. Along with this treatment, take a supplement based on vitamin C and propolis.

prevent breast cancer

While you shouldn’t panic, if the pain and burning are persistent and you can’t find an apparent cause, you’ll need to see a doctor to rule out breast cancer.

At the same time, you can perform the breast self-examination, which is essential. Standing in front of a mirror, raise your left arm. With your right hand, palpate slowly and deeply, in a circular fashion, the entire contour of the breast, also palpating around the armpits.

Repeat the procedure on the other breast. If any “bullets” or cysts are noticed in a strange and hard shape, the doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. Another symptom of breast cancer is the leakage of some type of fluid through the nipples, both blood and yellow. This is also a warning sign.

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