What Is The Effect Of The Moon On Humans?

The moon does not only have a meaning in terms of its action on human beings. Find out more below.
What is the Moon's Effect on Humans?

The moon is the natural satellite of planet Earth. It presents us with an incredible view and thousands of stories were created on it. But what is the effect of moon phases on human beings? Without a doubt, it attracts, inspires and sets the imagination of all human beings to flight.

It is said that the moon affects the tides, but that it can also have some influence on our behavior. In this way, our moods and our decisions can change in the same way that the phases of this satellite change.

Also, it is believed that the Moon influences sleep, especially when it is full. During this phase, people tend to take longer to sleep or sleep very poorly.

Moon Phases: The Most Popular Beliefs

moon effect on humans

For thousands of years, the idea that the Moon has a certain influence on human behavior has been promoted. Its energy is believed to be so powerful that it can change our lives.

On the other hand, since antiquity, it is believed that the Moon has an effect on tides, crops, animals and human emotions. So far,  there is no evidence to validate the accumulation of beliefs that exist. Therefore, from a scientific point of view, the claims remain just popular beliefs.

However, this has not stopped people from continuing to share their beliefs and carry out activities based on the lunar phase. 

The phases of the moon and its effects

According to popular beliefs, depending on the phase of the moon, people may have a greater tendency to behave in one way or another.

New Moon

This phase lasts approximately 3 days. It is said that it is the most suitable stage to detoxify the body. Furthermore, this phase is considered as the beginning of new things. That’s why it’s ideal for starting new routines, for changing habits that we don’t like or don’t benefit from. It is an ideal stage for calm and introspection.

First Quarter

During this phase, the satellite is only half visible. It is said that  this stage is prosperity, health and vitality. So if you want to start a new project, a business or a physical activity, this is the best time.

The crescent moon is believed to  offer positive energy to human beings and influence their actions in the same way. It is also common to hear that during this lunar phase it is good to cut your hair so that it grows faster, stronger and shiny.

Full moon

moon influence on humans

This is the phase in which the Moon is completely round and radiant with sunlight. This leads to changes in the behavior of human beings. These changes can range from a slightly erratic mood to sudden mood swings.

The Full Moon is associated with euphoria and excess,  but also with fullness and success. At this stage, everyone is said to be “lunatic” because the energy the Moon has is greater than usual.

waning quarter

The waning phase represents the “death” of the celestial body. This is the last phase before the cycle is renewed. It is said that this  is the time to make decisions and mature. On the other hand, problems and negative mental states are believed to decrease during this phase of the Moon.

4 Most Common Myths About Its Influence

The moon frightens, enchants and inspires. For this reason, throughout human history, all kinds of myths have emerged about its influence on human beings. Some of the most common ones are as follows.

1. Favors fertility

It is said that during the full moon you are  more likely to get pregnant. Especially if we sleep under the light of a full moon. On the other hand, there is a belief that the moon, in general, favors the fertility of women.

2. Increased Passion During Full Moon

This phenomenon is known to increase passion as well as sensuality among couples. On the other hand, this natural satellite has always been a romantic element for human beings.

3. Getting married in the growing phase

According to the belief, getting married during the lunar crescent phase favors the couple’s union. In other words, it makes the marriage prosperous and lasting. This is due to the fact that everything that is done in the “growth” phase is considered to have a positive influence on other habits.

4. The Blood Moon

How the Moon Affects Humans

When the Moon has a reddish hue, it is considered to be full of “blood”. According to popular belief, at these times, the energy that the Moon transmits is harmful to human beings, as it accentuates the anger and hatred that are internalized.

The moon inspires us, but it also affects us

Despite everything that is generally stated in the popular sphere,  there is no scientific evidence to confirm that the phases of the moon affect us. 

However, there is no doubt that this beautiful natural satellite has been able to inspire us a lot for thousands of years. Therefore, at the level of general culture, it is very interesting to know the different beliefs, myths and legends about the moon.

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