What To Do If You Have Chest Pain?

Chest pain can arise due to several causes. However, it is essential to consult a specialist to get an early diagnosis and not to take risks.

Sudden chest pains are usually related to breathing problems, as in most cases they are associated with shortness of breath.

When these pains become frequent, it is necessary to seek a specialist, as they may indicate more complex problems that require immediate attention and treatment. In this article, we’ll talk more about these chest pains and their characteristics. Check out.

Knowing the chest pains

If the pain is severe and also extends to the back, this is a bad sign, which could indicate a ruptured vein wall. If this is the case, it is likely that urgent surgery will be needed.

People who suffer from high blood pressure need to be more aware of these symptoms, as they are at a much higher risk for these complications.

If the pain is limited to stabbing pains in the chest region, the greater probability is that it is muscle pain. If the pain increases when we change position or breathe deeply, we are sure that the cause of the pain is muscular and, to solve the problem, just take an anti-inflammatory or a muscle relaxant, both capable of giving a quick end to this kind of pain.

If the pain is generalized and as we lean forward we feel an improvement, it may be that the cover that covers the heart is a little inflamed, which is known as pericarditis.

When this happens, other symptoms are usually associated, such as fever, nasal congestion and pain throughout the body. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

How to differentiate chest pains?

chest pains

Stitches in the chest

On almost every occasion, this is pain caused by improper exertion or excessive, constant exercise, which has caused one or more muscles to become inflamed.

When this happens, the pain is stronger when we change position or when we breathe deeply, and, as mentioned above, usually taking a muscle relaxant or an anti-inflammatory is enough to improve the condition.

chest burn

This type of problem is more common; it is usually because of it that many people tend to seek medical attention, as in most cases the burning is very severe. It is common that this symptom is associated with gastric problems that end up causing acidity and reflux.

These bothersome symptoms usually appear just half an hour after eating certain foods that can trigger it, such as acidic juices, spicy foods, or fizzy drinks.

Remember if

Whatever the reason for the chest pain, it is very important to give it due attention and importance, and you should not wait for the symptoms to evolve and become severe before seeking a doctor.

Remember that prevention and early diagnosis are the best tools for us to find the best way to live healthy.

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