What To Do When Varicose Veins Start To Appear?

To alleviate varicose veins and improve circulation, we can combine the use of apple cider vinegar with cold water showers.
What to do when varicose veins start to appear?

Some people, mostly women, experience the fact that varicose veins start to appear at a very young age.   Generally, they have a genetic component, but that is aggravated by poor diet, smoking and sedentary lifestyle. In addition, pregnancy can also help make the condition worse.

Thus, in this article we will explain what measures should be taken when varicose veins start to appear, since even if they are not yet visible, we can  prevent them and, consequently, improve circulation and health in general.

Even if you are a chilly person, the worst thing you can do if you have poor circulation is to use hot water to take a shower. In addition, normally the worse the circulation, the colder the person feels, and thus, the problem becomes worse.

The change doesn’t have to be overnight, but you should try to use colder and colder water until your body gets used to it. In addition, it is advisable to end the bath with cold water, or alternate hot and cold water, especially in areas most affected by varicose veins.

Gradually you will feel a sensation of lightness and well-being throughout your body with this simple change.

And be careful, this tip is not just for those who already have it, but for when varicose veins start to appear as well.

avoid hot water to fight varicose veins

To prevent varicose veins from starting or the ones you already have from getting worse, getting moving is the solution. It’s not always possible to go to the gym, but it’s important to avoid lazy moments, those when sitting on the couch seems to be the best option.

So, going up and down stairs, walking to places that are not too far whenever there is time, doing some exercises or stretching at home, are good examples to start moving, among others.

In addition, it is especially recommended to look for opportunities to go to the beach or the mountains, walk barefoot on the sand, grass or sea.

This pleasant experience is not only an excellent anti-stress remedy, it also helps to greatly improve circulation, while helping to relax and improve vitality.

When varicose veins start to appear, you will feel great relief with this simple exercise! Every day you carry the weight of your body and overload your legs, so it is advisable to do an opposite exercise at the end of the day : putting your legs up.

It can be done in several ways:

  • Lie down and place your legs on two thick pillows.
  • Lean along the wall and support your legs vertically, forming a right angle.
  • Perform the inverted yoga pose, supporting your body weight over your head or the back of your back. But beware, this exercise should only be performed by those people who know the exercise well and who follow the guidance of a professional.
yoga for when varicose veins start to appear

Overweight is one of the worst aggravators of circulation problems. If this is your case, we propose to follow  a healthy and progressive weight loss plan, which will not only allow you to lose weight, but which will also help you feel better, in a good mood and with more energy to face the journey.

To carry out a complete natural treatment, it must be done from the inside out. Internally, we should avoid some foods, such as those mentioned below:

  • white sugar
  • refined salt
  • refined flour
  • Fried and pre-cooked food
  • hydrogenated fats
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • roasted coffee

The most recommended foods are:

  • Grape
  • citrus fruits
  • watermelon
  • blueberries
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Celery
  • Oregano
  • Tomato
  • Pumpkin seed
  • virgin olive oil
  • Alfalfa
  • Nuts
  • Ginger
  • cayenne pepper
  • Turmeric

To further enhance this treatment, especially at those times of the year when we notice a worsening in circulation in some areas, we recommend choosing a natural supplement based on medicinal plants.

We can choose between those that are ingested by mouth (capsules, pills, tincture, stratum, infusions, etc.) or those that can be applied topically (creams, lotions, oils, gels, etc.), but always including some plant. recommended medicinal product to improve circulation, such as:

  • Rusco
  • Rosemary
  • Witch Hazel
  • Vine
  • Cypress
  • Asian spark

In addition, cold gels that can be found in pharmacies are also very effective in relieving pain faster.

Images courtesy of Sparky, Fabrice Florin and Peet Sneekes

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