Why Should We Eat Garlic, Onion And Lemon Daily?

In addition to helping us cleanse the body and fight fluid retention, if we combine onion, garlic and lemon, they can also help us eliminate heavy metals.

Since antiquity, three popular foods stand out.  In addition to being versatile in the kitchen, they are similarly rich in medicinal compounds: garlic, onion and lemon.

Food plays a fundamental role in our health, whether for better or worse, this is in our hands.

It is now known that choosing foods rich in nutritional properties can offer the body important benefits for its better functioning and, in addition, for the prevention of many pathologies.

These three ingredients (garlic, onion and lemon) can be found in almost every kitchen in the world and have hundreds of applications in gastronomy and, beyond that, in alternative medicine.

Its daily consumption allows the body to absorb important vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds that certainly contribute to better health. So, do you know all its benefits? Check it out below!

The incredible benefits of garlic, onion and lemon

First of all, the nutritional richness of garlic, onion and lemon allowed them to be included in a wide catalog of natural remedies to prevent and treat hundreds of diseases.

Best of all, in addition to offering important benefits, they are also a complement to all types of diets, as they are a source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants and other healthy compounds.

So, below, we will mention the qualities that each one can offer us separately so that it becomes clearer how good they are for our body.

benefits of garlic

Benefits of eating a clove of garlic, onion and lemon daily

This bulb divided into several teeth has a very particular flavor, so it is used as a condiment for many meals.

But, far beyond that, we are faced with a source of nutrients, such as:

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E;
  • Water;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Proteins;
  • Fibers;
  • Minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and sodium, for example;
  • Antioxidants.

It is precisely this concentration of nutrients that gives it its purifying, disinfectant and antibiotic properties that can improve health in many ways.

Thus, by including it in the diet, preferably raw, it is possible to achieve the following benefits:

  • Improves circulatory system function;
  • It lowers blood pressure and, by the same token, high cholesterol;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Offers antibiotic and antiviral agents to thus prevent infections;
  • Decreases inflammation in the body;
  • Improves liver function;
  • Fights constipation and intestinal problems;
  • Purifies the mucosa of the lungs;
  • Decreases varicose veins;
  • Improves the condition of the skin and thus fights acne.

Onion Benefits

Garlic, onion and lemon are very beneficial

Surprisingly, onion has a nutritional composition very similar to garlic and this allows it to be the best complement for it.

It tends to have many uses in the daily kitchen, although some avoid it for its strong flavor and aroma.

Thus, among its nutritional qualities, it is worth mentioning:

  • It is 90% water;
  • It is rich in essential amino acids;
  • Offers vitamin E, C and B complex;
  • It has minerals such as sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and sodium.

With regard to health, onion is considered a medicine with multiple uses.  Thus, among the most important, the following stand out:

  • Combined with garlic, it acts as an antidote against poisoning;
  • It has an emollient, antioxidant and diuretic effect, ideal for detoxifying the body and, at the same time, combating fluid retention;
  • It is expectorant and deflates, which helps in cases of hoarseness, phlegm and throat irritation associated with respiratory diseases;
  • It protects the liver and, thus, favors the digestion of fats;
  • Fights intestinal problems and prevents problems such as constipation;
  • It helps to purify the blood and, likewise, reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • Lowers high blood sugar levels;
  • Externally, it is good for fighting infections in the ears, nails and feet;
  • It fights acne and is also good for hair strengthening.

Lemon Benefits

Benefits of garlic, onion and lemon

This citrus fruit, grown around the world, has an acidic flavor that can be used in the preparation not only of drinks, but also of desserts, soups and many other recipes.

Although some people find it an acidic option, the truth is that when it reaches the body, it turns alkaline and helps to regulate the pH of the blood.

Among its nutrients, the following stand out:

  • Vitamin C and E;
  • Calcium and Magnesium;
  • Limonene;
  • Bioflavonoids;
  • Pectin.

Alone and combined with other ingredients, it is believed that this fruit can alleviate and prevent hundreds of illnesses.  Thus, its main properties are:

  • Stimulant of the immune system;
  • Excellent diuretic and depurative;
  • It clears the blood and thus improves circulation;
  • Helps control cholesterol and protects the heart;
  • Relieves acidity and stomach pain;
  • It is antibiotic and disinfectant;
  • Reduces the possibility of kidney and liver stones;
  • On top of that, it has astringent qualities, which make it a great skin ally.

Ready to start including them in your diet?

As you can see, garlic, onion and lemon have many benefits that could guarantee good physical and, at the same time, mental health.

Due to their multiple uses, they can be consumed every day in hundreds of recipes or, even better, they can be eaten raw daily as a healthy habit.

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